Lacewood Primary School

Lacewood Primary School

Always try your best to be your best

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Y3 Holly Remote Learning Timetable

What a typical day will look like for Holly Class?


8.45-9.00: spelling:  Daily PowerPoint and activity provided on Teams, including a recorded spelling test on Thursday and recorded SPaG lesson activity on Friday.

9.00-9.45: Guided Reading

Teacher recorded lesson with intro/ pre-teach/ vocab/ text being read to children; daily activities similar to as in school – vocab builder, multiple choice, inference, whole text activity– all supported by printable and adapted to be completed on PowerPoints in Teams

9.15-9.30: Live Register and introduction to the day on Teams

9.45-10.45: English

Pre-recorded lesson with Mrs Green working through a PowerPoint workbook – following format as school with text analysis/ planning/ boxing up/ sentence level work/ drafting and editing. Printable provided as well as PowerPoint workbooks to edit throughout the lesson.

11.00-12.00: Maths

Daily recorded lesson/ demonstration from teacher and explanations for use of online and practical manipulatives; printable worksheet/ adapted PowerPoint workbooks with questions and spaces for responses to be marked on Teams/ links to my maths and online related activities to support and extend.

1.00-3.15: Topic/ PE/ PSHE/ Thrive/ story time

Recorded introductions by teacher in recorded lessons and demonstrations/ independent activities to complete online, practically or on paper/ interactive quizzes/ links to websites and further resources to support learning/ pre-recorded story time with Mrs Skirrow

Teachers remain online throughout the morning/ afternoon session to support pupils and parents with questions on Teams and Facebook messenger. Several families have made video calls throughout the sessions for 1:1 instruction.
