School Performance Data
Lacewood Primary School Data
Staff and children, at Lacewood, have continued to ‘Always try their best to be their best.’ Our results are set out below and demonstrate our achievements in line with Barnsley and National figures. As you can see, we have a generally upward trend and we are above national in most areas. These are very pleasing results. Phonics moved forward on the previous year, but we strive to continue to go even further. In Early Years Foundation Stage, the gap is narrowing for good level of development. KS1 and KS2 are very pleasing and show that the areas earmarked for development over the past year have had a huge impact on our results. We are extremely proud of all our children at Lacewood and continue to be the best that we can be in our teaching and learning.
Phonics 2019
EYFS 2019
Key Stage 1 Reading 2019
Writing 2019
Maths 2019
Science 2019
Reading, Writing and Maths Combined 2019
Reading, Writing, Maths and Science combined 2019
Key Stage 2 Reading
Writing 2019
Maths 2019
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling
Reading, Writing and Maths Combined 2019
2019-2020 Data
As you are aware assessments did not take place in schools in the academic year 2019-2020. We therefore have no data to share with you and we look forward to updating this section of the website as and when we can.
Thank you
2020-2021 Data
As you are aware assessments did not take place in schools in the academic year 2020-2021. We therefore have no data to share with you and we look forward to updating this section of the website as and when we can.
Thank you
Lacewood Primary School
2022 Performance Data
EYFS 2022 Data
Phonics Year 1 and Year 2
KS1 Reading
KS1 Writing
KS1 Maths
KS1 Reading/Writing/Maths combined
KS2 Reading
KS2 Writing
KS2 Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling
KS2 Maths
KS2 Reading, Writing and Maths combined
Lacewood Primary Performance Data