Year 4 Multiplication Check
Multiplication Tables Check (MTC)
In June 2020 the Government announced a new national test for Year 4 children called the “Multiplication Tables Check”. This ‘check’ will take place during the Summer term in June.
Under the National Curriculum, primary school children are expected to know their times tables up to 12 x 12 by the end of Year 4.
The results of this national test are for the teacher. There is no pass or fail mark and schools will simply use this data to inform teaching. These results will not be published publicly.
The check itself:
· Will take place in June.
· Is statutory for every Year 4 pupil
· Is done online using a computer or tablet
· Will be done individually or in small groups
· Will take no longer than 5 minutes
· Will features 25 questions with 6 seconds to answer each question
· There is no problem solving just simple 4 x 6 = style questions.
At Lacewood Primary School, we always endeavour for our pupils to achieve the very best in everything they do, however this test is not for children to worry about.
What can we do to help?
We stress again that this check is not something to worry about and we have been preparing our pupils for some time. We ask that you simply complete all homework tasks and encourage your child to use T.T. Rockstars at home (passcodes sent home in Autumn Term), particularly on the ‘Soundcheck’ mode as this will be very similar to the format of the check.
If you have any other questions or concerns please bring them to the attention of your child's teacher.
Mr Edwards and Mrs Sellars (Math's Leaders)