Lacewood Primary School

Lacewood Primary School

Always try your best to be your best

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Art Club - As part of our Black History Month art focus, children in art club have created a collaborative portrait of Nelson Mandelson using a pointillism technique.

FS1 and FS2 Explored the work of artist Frank Bowling. Bowling has been described as "one of Britain's greatest living abstract painters", as "one of the most distinguished black artists to emerge from post-war British art schools" and as a "modern master".

Black History Month - Y1 and 2 Artwork based on the work of Alma Thomas. Thomas became an important role model for women, African Americans, and older artists. She was the first African American woman to have a solo exhibition at New York's Whitney Museum of American Art, and she exhibited her paintings at the White House three times.

Y3 and 4 digital artwork based on the artwork of Enfant Precoce (also known as Francis Essoua Kalu). Francis is a young Cameroonian artist who lives and works in Paris. Cameroon inspired him from a tender age, with mystical colours and creativity.

Y5 - 6 artwork based on the Nike Okundeye. Nike Okundaye was born in 1951 in Ogidi, Kogi State, in North-Central Nigeria, and was brought up amidst the traditional weaving and dyeing as practiced in her home town. Her parents and great grandmother were musicians and craftspeople, who specialised in the areas of cloth weaving, adire making, indigo dyeing and leather. Nike Davies-Okundaye is a well-reputed artist best known for her cloth work and embroidery pieces.

King's Coronation Art Project - 'The Art of Nature' EYFS - Y6

Y1 - Artwork inspired by the colour, textures and patterns in leaves

Y2 - Leaf pattern and colour work

Y3 - Watercolour Leaves

Y4 - Illuminated letter 'C's' for King Charles

Y5 and 6 - Artwork inspired by the Green Man

Art Day - Tiger in a Tropical Storm (Surprised!) By Henri Rousseau. In Y1 children created collage tiger faces and tiger handprints, to which they then added details and collage to create a jungle-inspired background.

In Y2, children created observational drawings of tiger faces and added these to a jungle collage, created by using a range of different paper types and textures.

In Y3, children used the digital art programme 'Adobe Fresco' to create their tiger in a jungle scenes.

In Y5, children created 'half and half' tiger heads demonstrating their excellent fine detail pencil drawing and shading techniques.

In Y6, children created printed tiger head monoprints on coloured paper.
