Lacewood Primary School

Lacewood Primary School

Always try your best to be your best

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At Lacewood, we recognise that competence in writing is vital for the development of children’s communication skills; a crucial ingredient for progress in other subject areas. Being able to write, offers the opportunity to store information, communicate with each other and to reflect and record creative ideas. When a child becomes a skilled writer, they understand the characteristics of writing’s many forms and are able to adapt their writing to suit a wide range of purposes. Writing is incorporated into our curriculum through planned writing pathways. This approach enables our children to present their learning of curriculum knowledge through a variety of writing tasks and genres, while also ensuring they have a clear understanding of the ‘purpose for writing.’


To support children’s writing progress, we have a clear, consistent, whole school approach to writing. The sequence of writing activities is designed to spark both enthusiasm and creativity in our children through the use of ‘hooks’ (often linked to novel studies), while also ensuring the technical skills to tackle all writing genres are embedded; meeting the expectations of the National Curriculum.


The impact of our writing journey is to ensure children have:

- Enthusiasm for writing throughout school.

- A growing confidence and competence as writers for a variety of purposes.

- A sense of achievement in writing, regardless of their age or ability.

- A growing knowledge and understanding of grammar and different writing genres.

- The opportunity to listen to a range of inspiring author’s work, that in turn inspires their own writing.

- An awareness of the importance of writing in everyday life and its range of uses.

- A sense of pride for their own work.

Please follow the link below to our 'Helping Your Child to Learn' page for useful home learning support documents and websites:

