All children at Lacewood enjoy a broad and balanced curriculum through quality first teaching. However, there may be times, throughout your child's educational journey, where targeted interventions are needed in order to boost an area of development, whether that is academic, social or emotional. The decision to include a child in such provision will be well-considered by teaching staff. Outcomes will be SMART - specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound. Information about each of these interventions can be found below.
Thrive is a powerful way of working with children and young people that supports their social and emotional development. In particular, the approach allows us to work in a targeted way with children who have struggled with difficult life events to help them re-engage with life and learning.
ELSA is an emotional literacy support programme which is aimed at building a child's emotional development and well being; helping them to cope with life's challenges. The ELSA programme can be used for support with bereavement, self-esteem, friendships, anger and growth mind-set .
Nessy is an online tool used for children that have difficulties which are in line with dyslexia and related learning barriers. At Lacewood, all children are screened using Nessy when they enter year 3. Early screening will identify the children who need targeted intervention. Those children whose results are in-line with dyslexic difficulties will complete targeted intervention using this fun online resource.
Every child entering full time school, will be assessed using Language Link. This assessment enables quick identification of children whose language understanding may be slightly lower than expected. From this assessment, some children will be referred to the Speech and Language Team (SALT) for further assessment. Other children will take part in a focussed intervention in school, building understanding of key language concepts.
PT Probe is particularly useful for children who need additional support to acquire new skills or have moved to new skills before they have mastered existing ones. The intervention introduces new skills ‘little and often’ and helps children develop increased confidence, without feeling overloaded. The approach can be used for any subject area, although at Lacewood it is mainly used for maths and reading.
Children with social, communication and interaction difficulties can find it challenging to understand what is expected of them in a social situation. Playing with LEGO in a therapy setting promotes social interaction, turn-taking skills, sharing, collaborative problem-solving and the learning of concepts.
If you would like further information on any of the interventions your child is accessing at school, please feel free to make an appointment to speak to either your child's class teacher, SENCO (Mrs Searle) or deputy head teacher (Miss Akeroyd).