Lacewood Primary School

Lacewood Primary School

Always try your best to be your best

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Vision / Mission Statement

Lacewood School Vision

To build resilience and a 'never give up' attitude through, 'Always trying our best to be our best.' We will empower our children to want to achieve and have high aspirations within an inclusive, safe and nurturing environment. We will do this in order to develop confident lifelong learners, who take ownership of their learning, are proud of their achievements and are well prepared for life in modern Britain.

School Mission Statement

At Lacewood Primary School we believe in the concept of lifelong learning and that both adults and children learn new things every day. We maintain that learning should be a rewarding and enjoyable experience for everyone; it should be fun. Through our teaching we equip children with the skills knowledge and understanding necessary to be able to make informed choices about the important things in their lives. We believe that appropriate enriched teaching and learning experiences help children to thrive (emotionally and physically) and lead happy and rewarding lives. We aim to:

  • provide a rich learning environment that allows learners to develop their skills and abilities to their full potential.
  • enable children to become confident and motivated learners through a variety of learning styles
  • foster children’s self- esteem and respect; building positive relationships, values, attitudes and feelings.
  • develop respect for all cultures and communities and, in so doing, promote positive attitudes towards other people;
  • help children grow into reliable, independent and positive citizens

If children are to learn effectively they must be relaxed, alert, motivated and positive. Teachers at Lacewood actively take measures, particularly at the beginning of the day and lessons, to ensure children are in the correct state of mind to learn. Our morning greeting system leaves teachers free to welcome children into the classroom and prepare them for that day’s learning. Using music and short interesting activities to start the day help children feel ready to learn and provide a positive routine to start the day.
