Lacewood Primary School

Lacewood Primary School

Always try your best to be your best

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Remote Learning Timetable

What will a typical day look like for Maple Class?


9.15 Live register meeting daily discussing assignments and any concerns. Teacher meets with children after to deal with any problems, Teacher on line available after meeting finished. Friday morning celebration meeting showing children’s work assigning certificates for good work and completion of assignments

Then a series of Teacher recorded Lessons on Teams with accompanying work sheets, purple mash activities, PowerPoint worksheets or practical tasks which include:

  • Comprehension/phonics/Grammar /Punctuation /spelling with test on Friday.
  • Literacy writing
  • Maths
  • Topic/music/science/art/History/geography/Pshe/RE
  • Reading book on Oxford Owl and Epic
  • Children Listened to reading on line on Thursdays.
  • 3 groups of Children online live phonics lesson 3x per week.

